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Today is the second day of the 30 day writing challenge…I’m kind of surprised I’m keeping up with this challenge (yes, I realise this is only day 2). Today’s word is Ash, so let’s see how this goes.

A scale of silver fell to the floor. Another followed, and then another and another. Before long there was a metallic carpet. The Gods, laying down this new appendage of the world, did not care about any building or people living their lives, no, they laid the silver scales on top of them; blanketing everything in sight.

Above, the grey cloud which ejected the scales to the earth was thick and black with no sign of running empty. I tried to breathe, but the scales caught in my throat causing me to choke. Around me, people dropped dead. The God’s were suffocating us. Had we done something to offend them? Did we not sacrifice enough this year? There was an astounding Boom! behind me. Pompeii was over, just like the lives of it’s inhabitants.